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Why AgentBizPro?
The Key to Being a Good Agent is to Master Your Marketing!

In the ultra-competitive world of real estate, there's a simple reality: it takes more than being a great agent to succeed. The truth is you can actually master your profession and still fall far short of personal income goals.

2 Critical Questions Every Real Estate Agent Should Answer:

1. Am I losing business to agents who are less qualified than me?
2. Am I losing business to agents who are not working nearly as hard as me?

If you answered yes to either one or both of these, you need to seriously look at how you are running your business.

The good news is that you are not alone. So how do you overcome this challenge and put yourself in position to succeed?
The answer is to transform the way you think about real estate and how you approach your career. AgentBizPro specializes in educating real estate agents across the country and providing them with the business-building systems, strategies and techniques to take their careers to the next level. Whether giving new agents the tools to become the top producers of tomorrow, helping mid-level producers streamline their lead generating systems and become more efficient or helping top producers increase in production and find balance in their lives, AgentBizPro helps its clients change their lives.

What's the First Rule of Success? *****Break All the Rules!*****
To take a quantum leap forward, you have to be willing to break all the rules you have been following up to now. That means saying good bye to the tired and ineffective old ways that you and your competition are used to. Let's face it. Doing business the same old way simply gets you more of the same old results. Any real estate professional knows it isn't always the most experienced agent or the hardest working who dominates the market. Indeed, the one who often finds the greatest success is usually the agent who knows how to effectively position themselves best in their marketplace and in the minds of potential clients.

This doesn't mean giving out more magnets, calendars, or note pads then the next agent. Nor does it mean running more house ads than your competitors.

You know who house ads benefit? The newspapers that are paid millions of dollars each year by the real estate industry to fill their papers with a sea of house ads. The reality is that house advertising is the single biggest waste of agent resources in the industry today. These cookie cutter ads do absolutely nothing to build your image. In fact, they actually hurt your image by telling consumers that you are EXACTLY like every other agent running the same old ads.

When everyone is saying the same things in their advertising, agents become interchangeable. You become a commodity. Truth be told, the consumer doesn't see the value in selecting one commodity over another. Then, it's only a matter of price. AND YOU WONDER WHY CONSUMERS ARE ALWAYS HAMMERING YOU TO CUT YOUR COMMISSION?

Don't believe us? Ask yourself a simple question:

If my advertising looks like every other agent's, why should consumers perceive me as being any better than my competition?

The answer is clear. They won't. So why waste hundreds of dollars every year on advertising that actually hurts your image and impedes increased productivity?

If you don't stand out in the increasingly crowded marketplace, the future of your career is in serious jeopardy. There is a solution. And best of all, it works for anybody in any marketplace. That solution is personal marketing.

Now more than ever, it's imperative to understand your industry has changed from a selling business to a marketing business.

Selling is convincing. The scripts you use, your closing techniques, what you do and say once you're face to face with a client is all an attempt to sell.

Marketing is attracting. Marketing is not only how you build a business, but more importantly, how you sustain it.

The purpose of marketing and advertising is to create a perceived value in the minds of consumers so they will think of you instead of your competition.

The power of personal marketing is that it allows you to own a piece of the consumer's mind. Let's face it. No matter where you live, you buy into marketing each and every day. If you sneeze, you don't ask for a tissue. You ask for a Kleenex! If your kids fall and scrape their knees or you cut your finger, you don't ask for an adhesive bandage…you ask for a Band Aid.

These brands have become synonymous with the product. For the sake of your career, and make no mistake about it, you are a business. You must have Brand name recognition like Kleenex, Band Aid, Coca Cola, Xerox or Nike.

• Wouldn't it be a huge advantage if potential clients automatically thought of YOU when it was time to buy or sell their home?

• Would your career be much more enjoyable if more people were calling you to come list their home instead of you waking up each day and chasing your next deal?

• If you had more people calling you, couldn't you be more selective about the clients you choose to work with?

When you start thinking about your business from a marketing perspective, there are two powerful concepts to remember:

1. The first concept is Visibility.

The simple truth is that Visibility is more important than Ability.
It may be sad, but it is undeniably true. Can you think of an agent in your marketplace that doesn't work as hard, doesn't give the service you give, but who still beat you in sales volume last year? Sure you can. It's no surprise. It happens in every market across the country. Why?

Because Visibility creates the perception of success.

If consumers see your marketing everywhere on a consistent basis, they will assume that you must be successful, and you must be good.

2. The second concept is Perception.

We said Visibility creates the perception for success. It's hyper critical to understand that perception becomes reality in the mind of the consumer (no matter what the reality is).

Look at the general perceptions you are dealing with on a daily basis. What do consumers in your marketplace think about Realtors® in general? Be honest.

— They make too much money
— They don't work very hard
— They are like used car salesmen

Why is that? Look no further than the industry advertising. Agents love to promote service, experience, rankings, designations and sales figures. In fact, what do you think consumers think when they see page after page of “multi-million dollar producers” in the local paper? Why they think agents are rich of course. Sell a million, make a million. They don't understand what you actually make when you sell a million dollars in volume.

You'll also find ads that boast how fast a home was sold…15 days…10 days…maybe even just 5 days! Agents are trying to tell them they sell things fast, but consumers translate it as “if it's that easy, next time I think I'll do it myself.” Or they may simply just ask agents to cut their commissions.

So who has created these perceptions? Unfortunately, the real estate industry has.

Tilt the Playing Field in Your Favor Through the Power of Branding.
We've discussed that in a crowded marketplace, you need to stand out. The biggest problem facing real estate agents today is not a lack of effort, but rather a lack of proper branding. Branding is the art of creating a clearly defined position in the marketplace. It is creating an identity that is not only easy to remember and identify, but one that people will actively select when choosing an agent to work with. In service marketing, nothing beats a brand. That's why brand identity is the single most powerful weapon that exists in the world of marketing.

Branding is what catapults one agent ahead of the competition. With the proper brand identity, you can tilt the playing field in your favor and position yourself as the leader in the minds of consumers before they're ready to buy or sell a home. And that translates into many key advantages over competing agents, such as an increase in “come list me” calls. And who doesn't want more of those?

Break Out, Don't Blend In.
The key to branding is differentiating yourself from the competition. It's about breaking out, not blending in. You may offer the best service in town, but if you look just like every other real estate agent, you're not only losing the branding battle, but the marketshare war as well.

Image Isn't Everything. It's the Only Thing When it Comes to Great Personal Marketing.
Your image creates a position in the minds of consumers whether you want it to or not. It can be good or bad, successful or unprofessional, trustworthy or shady. How you market yourself determines if that position is positive or negative.

Great personal marketing is not about advertising the most properties. It's not about publicizing your achievements, your designations, or your sales volume from last year.

Great personal marketing is about carving a unique image and burning that image into the minds of consumers throughout your marketplace. You want to create an identity that consumers and agents will gravitate toward — an image of quality that speaks to your target market.

So What Does Your Marketing Say About You? Is it creating a positive image in your marketplace?

If it isn't differentiating you from your competition, building brand awareness and offering consumers a clear competitive advantage, you are missing out on a valuable opportunity.

Now Is the time to Go from Good to Great.
Since 2005, AgentBizPro has been helping agents like you who want to take control of their business and break through to the next level of success. We have seen too many agents across the country make fatal flaws in their approach to marketing. These were often mistakes that could have been avoided.

Our goal is to stop you from making those same mistakes. We want to help you go from being a “good” agent to being a Great One. We want to show you how easy it is to create an effective, long-term business-building strategy that will help you dominate your marketplace.

If you have a passion to reach your full potential, then AgentBizPro is here to help.

Call us today at (702) 672-7591 for a free 30-minute personal consultation. Our expert marketing representatives will help you discover what the power of personal marketing can do for you.

We are committed to offering the best marketing materials to our customers success!

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